Lorsque la guerre éclate, Joe Adams endosse une fausse identité pour échapper au service militaire. Il envisage de détourner les fonds d'une oeuvre de charité pour financer un casino. C'est alors qu'il tombe amoureux. Il apprend en outre qu'il a usurpé l'identité d'un repris de justice en conditionnelle...


Aucun avis
  • Erogena zona (1981)

    Momcilo 'Moca' Stojisavljevic have just finished his military term, now faced with problems like finding a job and a place to live. His old girlfriend is now...
  • Pain, amour et fantaisie (1953)

    Marshal Antonio Carotenuto is sent to Sagliena, an imaginary little village in the center of Italy in the '50s, to assume his new mandate. In the village he knows...
  • Oglan Bizim Kiz Bizim (2016)

    Emre and Zeynep have nothing in common. They don't know each other. However, when they both win a trip to a summer destination and they will go with their...
  • Angel in Love (2005)

    Giordano, an angel assigned to an orphan in Krakow, is two years into the job when his celestial overseers, citing budget cuts, initiate "Phase Two" without...

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