
Critters 4

Critters 4 (1992)

Réalisateur: Rupert Harvey

Où regarder
Au cinéma de 23/03/1994
Évaluation: 4.0/10
Note de l'utilisateur: 5.5/10
(2 voix)


Just before bounty hunter Charile triggers his gun to destroy the last two Critter-eggs, he gets a message that it would be illegal to extinguish the race from the galaxy. He's sent a transporter where he puts the eggs - unfortunately the transporter takes him with it and then gets lost in space. After 53 deep-frozen years, he's found by a private wreckage collector team under the unscrupulous Rick. On behalf of the mighty company Terracor they bring him to an empty space station - but Rick is curious and opens the box... so Charlie has work again, to keep the Critters from eating everybody.


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