
Buona sera Madame Campbell

Buona Sera, Mrs. Campbell (1968)

comédie, romantique | Etats-Unis
Réalisateur: Melvin Frank

Évaluation: 6.8/10


Twenty years after their initial war-time visit three U.S. servicemen hold a reunion at an Italian village. They all have fond memories, especially of local girl Carla. But she has been telling each of them that they are the father of her daughter Gia, so they have all been paying well for her upbringing. As this dawns on the threesome old rivalries surface, but times have changed and complications such as wives, middle-age, and the need to protect Gia's future start to surface.


Buona sera Madame CampbellBuona sera Madame CampbellBuona sera Madame CampbellBuona sera Madame Campbell


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