
Virtuality: Le voyage du Phaeton

Virtuality (2009)

drame, science-fiction, thriller | Etats-Unis, Canada
Réalisateur: Peter Berg

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Spectacle non disponible dans le pays
Évaluation: 5.8/10
Note de l'utilisateur: 8/10
(11 votes)


Twelve extremely talented men and women have been chosen to be part of the Phaeton mission, a 10-year trek to explore a distant planetary system. In order to endure the stress of being confined to their high-tech vessel, the crew passes the time using advanced virtual reality modules that allow them to take on various identities. But as the ship approaches a critical phase of their journey, a deadly flaw is discovered in the virtual system, forcing them to question if someone onboard might be a killer.


Virtuality: Le voyage du PhaetonVirtuality: Le voyage du PhaetonVirtuality: Le voyage du PhaetonVirtuality: Le voyage du PhaetonVirtuality: Le voyage du PhaetonVirtuality: Le voyage du PhaetonVirtuality: Le voyage du PhaetonVirtuality: Le voyage du PhaetonVirtuality: Le voyage du PhaetonVirtuality: Le voyage du PhaetonVirtuality: Le voyage du PhaetonVirtuality: Le voyage du PhaetonVirtuality: Le voyage du PhaetonVirtuality: Le voyage du PhaetonVirtuality: Le voyage du Phaeton


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