Évaluation: 5.3/10


The inhabitants of the distant planet Gemini send to Rome the extraterrestrial Bix. His task is to transport twelve Earths to the planet so that we can find out if they are suitable for living there. Bix, who's distinguishable from humans only because he has a green face, also has supernatural powers that allow him to repair damages. On the eve of the departure for Gemini, a trap is set for him...


Aucun avis
  • La machine à démonter le temps (2010)

    A malfunctioning time machine at a ski resort takes a man back to 1986 with his two friends and nephew, where they must relive a fateful night and not change...
  • L'homme bicentenaire (1999)

    Suivant la mode de ce début de XXIe siècle, Richard Martin fait l'acquisition d'un tout nouveau robot domestique, le NDR-114, capable d'accomplir l'ensemble des...
  • Le spa à remonter dans le temps 2 (2015)

    Grâce au jacuzzi magique qui l'avait propulsé dans le temps, en 1986, avec ses potes Adam et Nick, Lou Dorchen est devenu un homme riche. Lors d'une soirée...
  • Hottabych (2006)

    Gena is a hacker by heart and soul. He's a good fella. But he got himself in some real troubles. And the only thing that can save him - is a thousand years old...

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