Ta paidia tou oneirou

Ta paidia tou oneirou (1993)

drame, romantique | Grèce
Réalisateur: Panos Glykofrydis

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Spectacle non disponible dans le pays
Évaluation: 5.5/10


Young Giannis escapes from prison and hides in a deserted factory, with the dream of traveling far away. At the factory, a group of university students rehearse Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream, and a girl from the group discovers him. The students accept him into their group, offering him a part in the play as well. One night, three young men try to destroy the props for the theatrical performance, and Giannis tries to stop them, ending up back in prison. The students manage to get him out of jail, and he embarks on a ship and leaves far away.


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