
The Sign Painter

The Sign Painter (2020)

Réalisateur: Viesturs Kairišs

Où regarder
Spectacle non disponible dans le pays
Évaluation: 7.2/10
Note de l'utilisateur: 5.7/10
(3 voix)


A Latvian tragicomedy about a young artist who bears witness to the dramatic political upheavals of the WWII era. As brutal regimes come and go, his country, his village, his people, and even his heart are swept up in the inexorable currents of history.
The Sign Painter is a tragicomedy about a young Latvian man, Ansis (Davis Suharevkis), with simple dreams: to marry Zisele (Brigita Cmuntová), the free-spirited and beautiful daughter of a local Jewish merchant, and to pursue a career as an artist whilst supporting himself as a sign painter. But his dreams are repeatedly swept away in the tumultuous tides of serial totalitarian occupation of his home during the WWII era.


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