
The Border Post

Karaula (2006)

comédie, drame | Croatie, Serbie, Grande-Bretagne, Slovénie, Macédoine du Nord, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Hongrie, Autriche
Réalisateur: Rajko Grlić

Où regarder
Au cinéma de 18/11/2006
Évaluation: 7.6/10
Note de l'utilisateur: 9.1/10
(68 votes)


A small border post on the Yugoslav-Albanian border in the spring of 1987. Frustrated and always drunk, lieutenant Pasic feels a strange pain in his groins. He seeks help from the only doctor among the soldiers, Sinisa, who diagnoses a sexually transmitted disease. Not wishing his wife to know about it and trying to find excuses not to go home, he declares a state of emergency, claiming that the Albanian army is preparing an attack against Yugoslavia. A joke transforms into war hysteria: soldiers dig trenches, Pasic grows wilder as the days go by, Sinisa embarks on a dangerous liaison, and his best friend Ljuba decides to leave the army. The situation slowly runs out of control...


The Border PostThe Border PostThe Border PostThe Border PostThe Border PostThe Border PostThe Border Post


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