Dans sa somptueuse demeure surplombant un bidonville, une vieille milliardaire américaine communique sa folie du jeu à un couple de chiffonniers romains qu'elle défie au fameux "Scopone scientifico"


Aucun avis
  • La règle du jeu (1939)

    L'aviateur André Jurieux vient de battre le record de traversée de l'Atlantique à bord de son monoplace. Mais celle qu'il aime, Christine, l'épouse du marquis de...
  • Taiwan Canasta (1985)

    Forty year old, unemployed architect is trying to find his way in a society's cruel environment. In his mind, he still lives in 1968, when he was one of the...
  • The Marathon Family (1982)

    The Topalovic family has been in the burial business for generations. When the old (150 yrs old) Pantelija dies, five generations of his heirs start to fight for...
  • Lost in London (2017)

    Woody Harrelson has to get through a wild and illicit night in London and take his family to the Harry Potter set to prove he's not a deadbeat dad.

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