After a series of misunderstandings and other unfortunate incidents, the honeymoon of two young couples ends sooner than planned. Back at their starting point, the ensuing conflict leads to one of the couples separating. Salvatore, who moves away, is hit in the street by a car and loses his memory: he has lost his memories of his friends and family - until he meets his wife Marisa, in which he falls in love again ...


Aucun avis
  • Yusuf Yusuf (2014)

    Yusuf, being a certain rally racers from childhood but eventually became a full driver.
  • Taiwan Canasta (1985)

    Forty year old, unemployed architect is trying to find his way in a society's cruel environment. In his mind, he still lives in 1968, when he was one of the...
  • Voisin contre voisin (2006)

    A Cloverdale, petite ville des Etats-Unis, personne ne fête Noël avec autant de sérieux que Steve Finch. Au point que sa femme et ses enfants n'en peuvent plus....
  • Very Bad Trip 2 (2011)

    Phil, Stu, Alan et Doug s’offrent un voyage exotique en Thaïlande, à l’occasion du mariage de Stu. Après l’inoubliable soirée d’enterrement de vie de garçon de...

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