Évaluation: 5.3/10
Note de l'utilisateur: 1/10


King Ute of a petty realm accidentally infuriates the thirteenth fairy by excluding the last fairy to arrive, in order to avoid having no plate for her at his daughter Rosa's baptism party. Despite draconian precautions, the curse she'll prick herself and set the whole court to sleep for a century comes true when the tomcat princess is seduced by the fairy to learn use a spinning wheel. Hundred years later, the king's great grand cousin prince Frederik, who shows no interest in maternally picked potential brides but only in science and inventions, elaborates experiments with science professor Prätorius. Having discovered the castle by dove-mounted camera, he sets out over a dangerous wasteland to the cursed castle, just in time for the centennial awakening.


La Belle au Bois DormantLa Belle au Bois DormantLa Belle au Bois DormantLa Belle au Bois DormantLa Belle au Bois DormantLa Belle au Bois DormantLa Belle au Bois DormantLa Belle au Bois DormantLa Belle au Bois DormantLa Belle au Bois DormantLa Belle au Bois DormantLa Belle au Bois DormantLa Belle au Bois Dormant


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