Évaluation: 6.5/10


In an evening Kathi was telling that she would like to have children, when her boyfriend listened this he runs away.Soon her female friend Caro and Jan will marry.So Kathi will help Caro for the wedding planning.But she needs a companion for this event.After some attempts in an internet single site she didn't find anybody suitable.On the other side Jan has a friend Theo who will help him for the wedding.Kathi begins to feel well with Theo, but Theo has a very dominant girlfriend Brith.But little by little Kathi and Theo will understand each other better.


Kathi et son prince charmantKathi et son prince charmantKathi et son prince charmantKathi et son prince charmantKathi et son prince charmantKathi et son prince charmantKathi et son prince charmantKathi et son prince charmantKathi et son prince charmantKathi et son prince charmantKathi et son prince charmantKathi et son prince charmantKathi et son prince charmant


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