Aleks is a charming adventurer who substitutes for a contestant shaman who dropped out at the shooting of a high-rated television show, popular among psychics. He repeats a prophecy on the air that he overheard backstage. He foretells that someone in the audience is doomed to everlasting solitude and that her nearest and dearest will turn their backs on her. Aleks has no idea that what's been going on is no coincidence: he has become involved in a long-standing rivalry between two powerful wizards. These psychics have drawn him into a dangerous, mystical game with no rules. Strange events start to take place in the life of Tanya (Diana Pozharskaya), the girl Aleks "cursed" at the show. Aleks tries to assure her there is no "curse" at all, and slowly falls in love with her. Still more signs manifest showing the prophecy is true, and it begins to threaten Tanya's life. To save himself and Tanya, Aleks is forced to find a way out of this mystical mess.




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