
Svet Koji Nestaje

Svet Koji Nestaje (1987)

documentaire | Yugoslavia
Réalisateur: Petar Lalović
PINK Film | vendredi | 03:45

Évaluation: 9.5/10
Note de l'utilisateur: 9.9/10
(65 votes)


It is a love story. When the twelve-breasted boar's sow farrows thirteen piglets, not having enough "sucking space" for the thirteenth, she rejects it and for the most part such piglets die. This drama from the world of animals paints the harshness of nature to the unwanted "thirteenth piglet", which we named Gile Baksuz (Gile Bad Luck). The rejected piglet is taken and given shelter by another species - a roe and her fawn. But there comes a calamity, a great flood strikes. Animals attempt to save themselves swimming towards a large sandbar. Among them are the roe, the fawn and poor piglet. Surrounded by water, the sandbar becomes an island of refugees. All sort of beasts are there, but the peril brings them together and no one attacks! The buck, having reached the security of the shore, leaves the shelter and sets out to find his female and fawn. Within reach of them he'll drown...

Producteur: Petar Lalović
Narrateur: Petar Kralj
DURéE: 109 min


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