Maureen O'Hara

Pays: Ireland

Genre: F

Date d'anniversaire: 1920-08-17

Décédés: 2015-10-24

Maureen O'Hara was an Irish film actress and singer. She was noted for playing fiercely passionate heroines with a highly sensible attitude. She often worked with director John Ford and longtime friend John Wayne.


  1. ...
  2. ...
    Mary Yellan
  3. ...
    Judy O'Brien
  4. ...
    Angharad Morgan
  5. ...
    Lady Margaret Denby
  6. ...
    Lt. Mary Carter
  7. ...
    Louise Martin
  8. ...
    Valentine Lee
  9. ...
    Toni Donne
  10. ...
    Louisa Frederici Cody
  11. ...
    Contessa Francesca
  12. ...
    Doris Walker
  13. ...
  14. ...
    Marian Washburn
  15. ...
    Mrs. Kathleen Yorke
  16. ...
    Katie Howard
  17. 18. Tripoly (1950), film
    Countess D'Arneau
  18. ...
    Prudence 'Spitfire' Stevens
  19. ...
    Mary Kate Danaher
  20. ...
    Dell McGuire
  21. ...
    Claire - Daughter of Athos
  22. ...
    Kate Maxwell
  23. ...
    Elaine Corwin
  24. ...
    Mary O'Donnell
  25. ...
    Karen Harrison
  26. ...
    Lady Godiva
  27. ...
    Min Wead
  28. ...
    Beatrice Severn
  29. ...
    Maggie McKendrick
  30. ...
    Kit Tildon
  31. ...
    Peggy Hobbs
  32. ...
    Katherine Gilhooley McLintock
  33. ...
    Olivia Spencer
  34. ...
    Martha Price
  35. 37. Big Jake (1971), film
    Martha McCandles
  36. 38. Biography (1987), série
  37. ...
    Rose Muldoon
  38. ...
    Mrs. Mary Parkin
  39. ...
    Katherine Eure
  40. ...
    Helen Parker
  41. ...

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