1. Creepshow (1982), film...Jordy Verrill
2. exclusiv (1982), série...Self
3. Creepshow 2 (1987), film...Truck Driver
4. Simetierre (1989), film...Minister
5. La nuit déchirée (1992), film...Cemetery Caretaker
6. Les langoliers (1995), série...Tom Holby
7. La peau sur les os (1996), film...Pharmacist
8. Shining, les couloirs de la peur (1997), série...Gage Creed
9. Mark Lawson Talks to... (2003), série...(based upon the short story by)
11. Room 237 (2012), film...Jordy Verrill (archive footage)
12. History of Horror (2018), série...(based on characters created by)
13. Ça, chapitre II (2019), film...Shopkeeper
14. Stephen King : le mal nécessaire (2020), film...Self - Interviewee and Portrait Subject (archive f
15. Scariest Places in America (2023), film...Self
1. Les camions maléfiques (1986), film
2. Ça (1990), série
3. La Tempête du siècle (1999), série
4. Histoire de Lisey (2021), série
1. Quicksilver Highway, film
2. Carrie au bal du diable (1976), film...(novel)
3. Les vampires de Salem (1979), film...(based upon the short story by)
4. Shining (1980), film...(based upon the novel by)
5. Creepshow (1982), film...(original screenplay by)
6. Dead Zone (1983), film...(based on the novel by)
7. Christine (1983), film...(based upon the novel by)
8. Cujo (1983), film...(novel)
9. Histoires de l'autre monde (1983), série...(story)
10. Firestarter (1984), film...(based on the novel by)
11. Horror Kid (1984), film...(based on the short story by)
12. Cat's Eye (1985), film...(screenplay)
13. Peur bleue (1985), film...(novel)
14. Stand by Me (1986), film...(novel)
15. Les camions maléfiques (1986), film...(film by)
16. Running Man (1987), film...(based on the novel by)
17. Creepshow 2 (1987), film...(stories)
18. Les enfants de Salem (1987), film...(based on characters created by)
19. Simetierre (1989), film...(novel)
20. Misery (1990), film...(novel)
21. Ça de Stephen King (1990), film...(novel)
22. La Créature du cimetière (1990), film...(short story)
...(short story)
24. Vengeance diabolique (1991), film...(based on a short story by)
25. Le cobaye (1992), film...(title only) (credit removed following lawsuit)
26. La nuit déchirée (1992), film
27. Les démons du maïs II (1992), film...(based upon the short story "Children of the Corn"
28. Le bazaar de l'épouvante (1993), film...(book)
29. La part des ténèbres (1993), film...(novel)
30. Les évadés (1994), film...(based on the short novel "Rita Hayworth and the S
31. Les démons du maïs 3 (1995), film...(based upon the short story "Children of the Corn"
32. Dolores Claiborne (1995), film...(book)
33. La Presseuse diabolique (1995), film...(short story)
34. Les langoliers (1995), série...(based on the novel "Pet Sematary" by)
35. Les enfants du diable (1996), film...(characters)
36. La peau sur les os (1996), film...(novel)
38. Les ailes de la nuit (1997), film...(story)
39. Trucks : Les camions de l'enfer (1997), film...(short story)
40. Shining, les couloirs de la peur (1997), série...(novel)
41. Un élève doué (1998), film...(novel)
42. Le diable des glaces (1998), film...(based on characters created by)
43. Woh (1998), série
45. Carrie 2 - La haine (1999), film...(characters)
46. La ligne verte (1999), film...(novel)
47. La tempête du siècle (1999), film
48. Les Démons du maïs 6 (1999), film...(based on the short story
49. Coeurs perdus en Atlantide (2001), film...(book)
50. Les Démons du maïs 7 - Révélation (2001), film
51. Carrie (2002), film...(novel)
53. Dreamcatcher, l'attrape-rêves (2003), film...(novel)
54. Le journal d'Ellen Rimbauer (2003), film...(characters)
55. Fenêtre secrète (2004), film...(novel)
56. Un tour sur le bolide (2004), film...(novel)
57. Salem (2004), film...(novel)
58. Désolation (2006), film...(novel)
59. The Mist (2007), film...(novel)
60. Chambre 1408 (2007), film...(short story)
61. Children of the Corn (2009), film
62. La cadillac de Dolan (2009), film...(short story)
63. Haven (2010), série...(short story "The Colorado Kid")
64. La maison sur le lac (2011), film...(based on the novel by)
65. Les enfants du maïs (2011), film...(based on a short story by)
66. Grey Matter (2012), film
67. Carrie, la vengeance (2013), film...(novel)
68. Under the Dome (2013), série...(based on the book by)
69. Un couple modèle (2014), film...(short story) (screenplay)
70. Détour mortel (2014), film...(story)
71. Mercy (2014), film...(short story "Gramma")
72. Cell Phone (2016), film...(based on the novel by)
73. 22.11.63 (2016), série...(based on the novel by)
74. La Tour sombre (2017), film...(based on "The Dark Tower" novels by)
75. Ça (2017), film...(based on the novel by)
76. 1922 (2017), film...(novel)
77. Jessie (2017), film...(based on the novel by)
78. Mr. Mercedes (2017), série...(based on the novel by)
79. Children of the Corn: Runaway (2018), film...(based on a short story by)
80. Castle Rock (2018), série...(based on characters and settings by)
81. Simetierre (2019), film...(based on the novel by)
82. Ça, chapitre II (2019), film...(based on the novel "It" by)
83. Doctor Sleep (2019), film...(novel)
84. Dans les hautes herbes (2019), film...(based on the novella by)
85. Creepshow (2019), série...(based on short story by)
86. Les Démons du maïs (2020), film...(based on a short story by) (uncredited)
87. The Outsider (2020), série...(based on the novel by)
88. Le Fléau (2020), série...(written by)
89. Chapelwaite (2021), série...(based on the short story "Jerusalem's Lot" by)
90. Charlie (2022), film...(based on the novel by)
91. Le Téléphone de M. Harrigan (2022), film...(based upon the short story by)
92. Le Croque-mitaine (2023), film...(based upon the short story by)
93. Simetierre : aux origines du Mal (2023), film...(based on the novel "Pet Sematary" by)
94. Salem (2024), film...(novel)
1. Le journal d'Ellen Rimbauer (2003), film...executive producer
2. Un tour sur le bolide (2004), film...executive producer
3. Désolation (2006), film...executive producer
4. Le Téléphone de M. Harrigan (2022), film...executive producer
5. Salem (2024), film...executive producer
2. L'amour malgré tout (2012), film...Stephen King
1. Contre Temps (1991), série
2. Le Fléau (1994), série
3. Le manoir maudit (2002), série
4. Sac d'os (2011), série