Charles Spaak


Date d'anniversaire: 1903

Décédés: 1975


  1. ...
  2. ...
    (dialogue) (uncredited)
  3. ...
  4. ...
  5. ...
    (scenario and dialogue)
  6. ...
    (scenario and dialogue)
  7. ...
  8. ...
    (screenplay & dialogue)
  9. ...
  10. 13. Mollenard (1938), film
  11. ...
    (scenario) (uncredited)
  12. ...
  13. ...
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    (screenplay and dialogue)
  15. ...
  16. ...
  17. ...
    (screenplay & dialogue)
  18. ...
  19. 23. Panique (1946), film
    (screenplay by)
  20. 24. L'idiot (1946), film
    (adaptation) and
  21. ...
  22. ...
    (scenario and dialogue)
  23. ...
  24. ...
  25. ...
    (scenario and dialogue)
  26. ...
  27. 31. Riviera (1954), film
    (screenplay collaboration)
  28. ...
  29. ...
  30. ...
  31. ...
    (story) (uncredited)
  32. 37. Katia (1959), film
  33. 38. Cartouche (1962), film
  34. ...
  35. ...
  36. ...
  37. 42. Germinal (1963), film

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