Krimić. U blizini Tibera u parku je nađena ubijena prostitutka. Policija je privela ljude koji su tijekom noći bili u parku, ispituju ih, a oni objašnjavaju zašto su bili tamo i što su radili. Jedan od njih je ubojica...
"La commare secca" filmski je debi Bernarda Bertoluccija koji je režirao s 21 godinom.


Recenzirao/la hymie
četvrtak, 25. ožujka 2021. 03:45
The 1962 Italian film La Commare Secca [The Grim Reaper] is written and directed by Bernardo Bertolucci in his extraordinarily confident, stylish and successful directorial debut at the of age 21, with his screenplay based on a short story by his mentor Pier Paolo Pasolini.

A prostitute lies dead on the bank of the River Tiber in Rome, and then the police start a series of interrogations of six prime suspects known to have been in a nearby park at the time of the murder, seen in a series... (više)
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