
The Balkans in Flames: Yugoslavia In Ruins

Balkan in Flammen (2021)

Documental, Historia, Guerra | Alemania

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EPISODIO: 3 - Jugoslawien in Trümmern


The Srebrenica massacre is a wake-up call for the international community, which decides to intervene after four years of war. That same year, the warring parties sign a peace treaty. But war soon breaks out again, this time in Kosovo. NATO intervenes and ends the fighting - a controversial mission without a UN mandate. The Balkans are still regarded as a powder keg. The wars of the 1990s have set the region back economically; reconciliation is still difficult today.


The Balkans in FlamesThe Balkans in FlamesThe Balkans in FlamesThe Balkans in FlamesThe Balkans in FlamesThe Balkans in FlamesThe Balkans in FlamesThe Balkans in Flames


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