
Sombras en la oscuridad: DS-389

Dark Shadows (1967)

Guionista: Dan Curtis, Lela Swift

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EPISODIO: 23 - DS-389


Angelique begins her assault by stealing Sarah's doll and inserting pins into it, causing Sarah to become very ill. The Collins family and their doctor are at a loss as to what is causing her illness and fear that she is on the brink of death. Angelique casually mentions to Barnabas that she heard of a similar incident back on the island of Martinique and that a special tea was brewed to heal the infirmed. Desperate to help his beloved little sister, Barnabas promises to marry Angelique IF she can cure Sarah. Angelique then brews the special tea and as Sarah drinks it, Angelique removes the pins from Sarah's doll, ""curing"" Sarah instantly.


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