Red vs. Blue: The Blood Gulch Chronicles: Exploring Our Differences

Red vs. Blue (2005)

Guionista: Burnie Burns

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EPISODIO: 9 - Exploring Our Differences


On the beach of Zanzibar, Church tries to give some last-minute advice and parting words to Tucker and the rest of the quest-team before they begin their trip. Tex apparently has a strong attraction to masculine objects, whether it was Tucker's energy sword, or the Alien's rather muscular naked body, or specifically one part of it. Church attempts to say some encouraging words to Tucker, but this fails as Tucker frustrates Church's attempts. As the team leaves, Church remarks to Tex that he is surprised that she did not go with the rest of the group as quests usually have a goal of riches or power at the end of them. As he finishes his sentence, he assumes correctly that Tex has left.

Back at Blood Gulch, Simmons decides to take Grif back to the blue base as a hostage. After some prodding from Grif about not being "properly treated" as a hostage — in other words, Simmons wasn't being mean to him — Simmons starts hitting him. Simmons pushes Grif into what he thought was a hole, but it turns out to be part of a gravity lift that keeps putting Grif behind Simmons. The episode ends with Simmons getting frustrated each time he pushes Grif into the hole.


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