La leyenda de los héroes de la galaxia: La nueva tesis: A Stormy Night

銀河英雄伝説 Die Neue These 邂逅 (2022)

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EPISODIO: 3 - A Stormy Night


Oskar von Reuenthal ran out in a stormy night to seek help from Reinhard von Lohengramm (then Müsel), a rising star in the Imperial Navy that was also known to be disdained by the high nobles. During the meeting with Reinhard and Siegfried Kircheis, Reuenthal convinced Reinhard to save Wolfgang Mittermeyer, in exchange for the absolute loyalties of both of them to Reinhard. Mittermeyer was promptly freed from captivity, and together with Reuenthal, became the first people outside Kircheis to join Reinhard's cause.

Back in the present, Reinhard is busy consolidating his authority as supreme commander of the Imperial Navy and prime minister of the Galactic Empire, and to facilitate that he expands the number of commanders under his direct command.


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