
Cuernos con salsa picante

Spaghetti a mezzanotte (1981)

Comedia | Italia
Guionista: Sergio Martino

Clasificación: 6.3/10
Opiniones de los usuarios: 9/10
(2 votos)


Savino La Gastra discovers his wife Celeste has a liaison with an architect: Andrea. Even if also Savino has a story with Elvira, a judge's wife, he decides anyway to ask to a mobster to kill his wife. In the mean time Celeste is organizing a surprise party for Savino's birthday, and that day things start to get complicated. First Savino kills accidentally the mafia killer in charge to kill Celeste; second his lover Elvira arrives to the party with the judge... not to mention the police and the mafia Don...


Revisado por hymie
sábado, 1 de octubre de 2022 10:56
Alongside the contemporary movie Cornetti alla Crema, Spaghetti a Mezzanotte proves that the pair Lino Banfi-Sergio Martino is at the top of Italian comedy makers. Martino is a well accomplished director and, despite being internationally known for early 70's thrillers, he was very eclectic directing different genre of movies and you will always recognize his trademarks.

In this comedy, a late effort in the mature sexy comedy genre of the 70's, the action is focused on the cheating:... (más)
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