The adventures of a young woman (Elodie Fontan) full of prejudices about the Basque country. Through a romantic comedy film, go to the discovery of a new facet of life in a village. Mission country Basque Streaming tells the journeys of Sibylle, a young Parisian with a very promising future. She has a job and a stable life in the French capital. On behalf of his company, she is sent on a mission in a small village near Bayonne. In this "forgotten corner", it should carry out a negotiation. Usually to buy a family hardware store into supermarket. . The young woman experienced despite herself about the stupidity of his own prejudices. Indeed, this city think getting a good deal by rolling the owner of the hardware store that has grown old. Unfortunately for her, the latter is under guardianship. So the young woman will have to then resume negotiations with Ramon (aka Florent Peyre), the guardian and get it over quickly. Indeed, this contract is very important to her, she plays her place...


Sin reseñas
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