
That's My Boy

That's My Boy (1932)

Comedia, Romance, Deportes | Estados Unidos
Guionista: Roy William Neill

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Clasificación: 5.1/10


Featuring members of the 1931 National Champion football team from the University of Southern California Trojans, with team members Russell Saunders and Oscar "Dutch" Hendrian also cast in roles other than just team members. Former USC football player John Wayne (not on the 1931 team) and Olympic swimmer Buster Crabbe also in cast as football players: Thomas Jefferson "Snakehips" Scott is the sensation of the Freshman football squad at Bedford University. After a sensational Sophomore season, varsity coach "Daisy" Adams gets him a summer "job" in the Maine woods as a bond salesman. The coach sends him there for conditioning purposes only, but Tommy is pleased with the $6,000 he gets for selling bonds he never even sees. Nice work if you can get it and, seventy years later, college football players (usually from Texas and California, playing for colleges from some other states that can't "grow their own") still manage to find similar positions. Tommy, figuring that there is more where ...


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