
Mi hermano Simpel

Simpel (2017)

Drama, Comedia | Alemania
Guionista: Markus Goller

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Clasificación: 6.7/10
Opiniones de los usuarios: 3.7/10
(3 votos)


Ben and Barnabas are unseparatable since they are small. The two of them, however, are no ordinary pair of brothers, for Barnabas, with his twenty-two years, remained mentally at the age of three. This also gave him the nickname "Simpel". But even if Simpel is a terrible nuisance, Ben can never imagine a life without his brother. But then the fate unexpectedly kills cruelly when her mother suddenly dies. Afterwards, Simpel is to be sent to a home, but the brothers do not allow that. Together, they flee and spend one night outdoors. Then Ben's dawn: To help Simpel, they have to meet the one person they have not seen for 15 years - their father...


Mi hermano SimpelMi hermano SimpelMi hermano SimpelMi hermano SimpelMi hermano SimpelMi hermano SimpelMi hermano SimpelMi hermano SimpelMi hermano SimpelMi hermano Simpel


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