
Runaway Christmas Bride

Runaway Christmas Bride (2017)

Guionista: David DeCoteau

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Clasificación: 4.4/10
Opiniones de los usuarios: 8.2/10
(10 votes)


Kate Paulson is standing at the altar, ready to say, 'I do' to the man of her dreams, Alex. Just as they are about to exchange vows, Alex reveals a devastating family secret. Hurt and shocked by this betrayal, Kate has no choice but to leave the groom at the altar and run away. Needing time to heal, Kate finally does something for herself and heads to a ski resort for Christmas. At the resort she meets Jason, an Olympic downhill ski hopeful. Just when she thought she'd never love again, Kate and Jason get to know each other, and there is a mutual attraction. As things start to heat up between them, Alex and his family show up. Will Kate learn to finally make her own decisions or will she always just be the Runaway Christmas Bride?


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