
Puedes confiar en mí

Trust (2010)

Crimen, Drama, Thriller, Acción, Misterio | Estados Unidos
Guionista: David Schwimmer

Clasificación: 6.9/10
Opiniones de los usuarios: 6.9/10
(17 votes)


In Chicago, the fourteen-year-old Annie lives with her family in the suburb and she has been chatting in a teen chat room in Internet with the sixteen year-old Charlie. When they get close to each other, Charlie tells that he is actually twenty years old. They schedule to meet each other but when Annie meets Charlie, she realizes that he is about thirty-five years old and is disappointed. However, she is seduced by Charlie and loses her virginity to her "boyfriend" in a motel. Her best friend Brittany tells to the school counselor about the relationship of Annie with an older man and the teenager is sent to medical examination. Her parents Will and Lynn are visited by the FBI Agent Doug Tate that is in charge of the investigation. The family is torn apart and while Lynn supports her daughter, Will becomes obsessed to find the sexual predator.


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