Sinopsis: Christie es una joven que vive traumatizada por la muerte de su padre, quien se suicidó debido a graves problemas económicos. Obsesionada por la situación, culpabiliza a su tío, pues al parecer este le negó un préstamo que necesitaba desesperadamente antes del suicidio.


Revisado por hymie
miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2021 13:13
Christie (Dani Kind - Like Mother, Like Daughter) was only 16 years old when she found her father dead, apparently from a self inflicted gunshot wound. But ever since then she has secretly blamed her uncle Ray (John Wesley Shipp - Second to Die) for her father's death as he refused to provide her father with the financial help he was desperate for.

Now having fine tuned her plans over the last few years she arranges to attend a college nearby to where Ray and his wife, Miranda (Cynthia... (más)
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