THE LONELIEST WHALE is a cinematic quest to find the "52 Hertz Whale," which scientists believe has spent its entire life in solitude, calling out at a frequency that is different from any other whale. As a group of scientists mount an expedition to locate this elusive creature, the film delves into the profound interconnection that exists between whale culture and our own.
- Joshua ZemanFilmmaker
- Joseph GeorgeSelf - Ret. Chief U.S. Navy, Integrated Undersea S
- David RosenbergSelf - Author, Interspecies Musician
- Christopher W. ClarkSelf - Senior Scientist, Cornell University
- Daniel PalaciosSelf - Senior Researcher
- Bruce R. MateSelf - Director, Marine Mammal Institute
- Robert DziakSelf - NOAA, PMEL Acoustics Program Manager
- Sara HeimlichSelf - NOAA, PMEL Acoustics Program