
As Far as the Sea

Mehri ti thalassa (2019)

Documental | Grecia, Francia
Guionista: Markos Gastin

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El programa no está disponible en el país
Clasificación: 8.0/10


Victims of serious accidents are hospitalized at the Rehabilitation unit of a major Athenian hospital. Supported by the hospital staff, their families and ward-mates they try very hard to regain their previous abilities. For several months, they struggle daily, to re-learn basic gestures. Some will regain all their faculties. Others, due to the seriousness of their injuries, will not; they will therefore have to confront the challenge of accepting their handicap. Filmed from the point of view of four patients with mobility issues, the film explores the antinomy between hope and acceptance, one of the basic dilemmas of human existence.

DURACIóN: 108 min


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