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A Timeless Christmas (2020)

Comedia, Fantasía, Romance, Ciencia ficción | Estados Unidos, Canadá
Guionista: Ron Oliver

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Clasificación: 7.0/10
Opiniones de los usuarios: 9.4/10
(5 votes)


On December 18th, 1903 in Cutter Springs, New York, Charles Whitley, a businessman and inventor, is having a row with his fiancée Eliza Parker; she feels that he lives for the future, especially with his inventions, leaving her behind in the present. Rosie, Charles' faithful housekeeper and the one person who can speak the truth to him without impunity, thinks they're mismatched as a couple, and Charles can admit that but he's at the age when he should get married; he isn't sure he proposed to Eliza for that reason or for love, which she deserves. His Christmas gift to her is an antique Christmas clock which purports to help one find true love when wound on a Christmas moon. He passes out as he's working on it, and when he awakens he's in a mansion full of people who look like Eliza, Rosie, his butler Fredericks and others he knows but somehow aren't them. They don't know who he is either, just that he looks very much like the portrait of Charles Whitley hanging in the front hall. The people pretending to be Fredricks and Eliza are husband-and-wife actors Dan and Amber; the woman pretending to be Rosie is her great-granddaughter Megan Turner, who did her Ph.D dissertation on the life of Charles Whitley; and the year is 2020 and the mansion is the Whitley Museum, of which Megan is the curator. Megan come to the realization that the man claiming to be Charles is actually the real Charles Whitley who disappeared on December 18, 1903 never to be heard from or seen again--not an actor sent from a talent agency. As Megan and Charles hide the his identity from everyone else. they must figure out how to get him back home. By the time Charles thinks of something ,Megan and Charles have started to fall for each other, which affects what Charles ultimately decides to do, especially when he finds out what happened to Eliza.


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