
Primer beso

İlk Öpücük (2017)

Comedia, Romance | Turquía
Guionista: Murat Onbul

Clasificación: 4.9/10
Opiniones de los usuarios: 5.8/10
(4 votos)


Due to an accident that caused memory problems, Bahar, who starts every day from two years ago, thanks to the great sacrifices of her father and brother, continues her life by living the same 24 hours. Hakan, one of the flirty young men in the town where she lives, fell in love with Bahar as soon as he saw her; however, when he learned about the young woman's condition, he will have to accept the same selfless life every day in order to make her fall in love with him again. A Turkish remake of 50 First Dates (2004).


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