
Un beso irresistible

The Irresistible Blueberry Farm (2016)

Thriller, Romance, Drama, Fantasía | Estados Unidos
Guionista: Kristoffer Tabori

Clasificación: 7.0/10


Ellen, a New York lawyer, and her pre-engagement boyfriend Hayden, a politician, are perfect together on paper, but she still has not given him an answer to his proposal of marriage. Ellen and her maternal grandmother Ruth have always had a special bond, they going on unusual adventures together, something that Ellen's more conservative mother, Cynthia, has never understood. The last words Ruth said to Ellen before she passed away was for Ellen to hand deliver a letter for her, it addressed to a Chet Cumberfield in Beacon, Maine, where, as Ellen just learns, Ruth was born and grew up, Chet of who Ellen and Cynthia had never heard. Ellen has no hesitation in obliging her grandmother's last request, it a task which she believes will take two days at the most, her return to New York when she will give Hayden an answer. Ellen makes a literal and figurative big splash upon her arrival in Beacon, that event which will forever tie her to a local contractor named Roy in the minds of Beacon...


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