
The Vampire Diaries: Crying Wolf

The Vampire Diaries (2011)

Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller, Fantasie, Horror, Romanze, Mystery | Vereinigte Staaten

Bewertung: 8.0/10
Benutzer-Bewertung: 10/10
(6 votes)


FOLGE: 14 - Crying Wolf


Stefan agrees to a weekend with Elena at the Gilbert lake cabin, where they find the missing Gilbert journals. Back home, Damon attends a historical society function to meet Elijah and is unexpectedly captured by Elijah's acolytes, but survives torture until he can escape. Elijah end up finding the hidden moonstone. Tyler is recruited for the werewolf pack's cause to reverse the Sun and the Moon curse, but won't help with a sacrific. Tyler assures Matt that he and Caroline are "just friends" and that she is still in love with Matt. Jeremy, Bonnie and Caroline learn from Luka that Elijah seeks an alternative spell breaker.


The Vampire DiariesThe Vampire DiariesThe Vampire DiariesThe Vampire DiariesThe Vampire DiariesThe Vampire DiariesThe Vampire DiariesThe Vampire DiariesThe Vampire DiariesThe Vampire DiariesThe Vampire DiariesThe Vampire DiariesThe Vampire DiariesThe Vampire DiariesThe Vampire Diaries


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