
Kishen Kanhaiya

Kishen Kanhaiya (1990)

Režie: Rakesh Roshan

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Hodnocení: 5.9/10


Leela and Bholaram are a childless couple. Leela works as a midwife, and one day assists Sunderdas' wife to give birth to twin boys. She decides to keep one baby for herself, and tells Sunderdas that his wife has given birth to one child. There are complications for the mother, and she passes away without seeing her children. Leela and Bholaram bring up Kanhaiya, while Sunderdas attempts to bring up Kishen, but is unable to do a good job. So he marries Kamini, who comes along with her brother, Ghendamal, to live at the estate. She has an illegitimate child named Ramesh from another man, and when Sunderdas comes to know of this, he is threatened and attacked, and as a result of which he is paralyzed, unable to move.


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