
  1. 1. Anna (1951), film
  2. ...
    (story and screenplay)
  3. ...
  4. ...
  5. ...
  6. ...
  7. 8. Camilla (1954), film
  8. ...
  9. 11. O.K. Nero (1956), film
  10. 12. Count Max (1957), film
  11. ...
  12. ...
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  17. ...
  18. 20. Gastone (1960), film
  19. ...
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  21. ...
  22. 25. Complexes (1965), film
    (story and screenplay)
  23. 26. The Dolls (1965), film
  24. ...
  25. ...
  26. ...
  27. ...
  28. ...
    (story "Palmira, Cuore di Padrone")
  29. ...
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  31. ...
  32. ...
  33. 40. The Cat (1977), film
  34. ...
  35. ...
  36. ...
  37. 48. The Miser (1990), film
  38. ...
  39. ...
  40. ...

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