Michael Carreras

Rođendan: 1927
Umro: 1994
1. Steel Bayonet (1957), film
2. Passport to China (1960), film
3. The Savage Guns (1961), film
4. What a Crazy World (1963), film
5. Maniac (1963), film
6. The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb (1964), film
7. Prehistoric Women (1967), film
8. The Lost Continent (1968), film
9. Krv iz sarkofaga (1971), film
10. Shatter (1974), film
1. The Unholy Four (1954), film...(screenplay)
2. What a Crazy World (1963), film...(screenplay)
3. The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb (1964), film...(screenplay)
4. One Million Years B.C. (1966), film...(screenplay)
5. Prehistoric Women (1967), film
6. The Lost Continent (1968), film
7. Moon Zero Two (1969), film...(screenplay)
8. Creatures the World Forgot (1971), film
1. Four Sided Triangle (1953), film
2. Blood Orange (1953), film
3. Mantrap (1953), film
4. Murder by Proxy (1954), film
5. The Men of Sherwood Forest (1954), film
6. Mask of Dust (1954), film...executive producer
7. The Unholy Four (1954), film
8. X the Unknown (1956), film...executive producer
9. Frankensteinova kletva (1957), film...executive producer
...executive producer
11. Drakula (1958), film...executive producer
12. Frankensteinova osveta (1958), film...executive producer
13. The Snorkel (1958), film
14. Mumija (1959), film
15. The Ugly Duckling (1959), film
16. Jučerašnji neprijatelj (1959), film
17. The Stranglers of Bombay (1959), film...executive producer
18. Drakuline nevjeste (1960), film...executive producer
19. Sword of Sherwood Forest (1960), film...executive producer
20. Dva lica dr Džekila (1960), film
21. Passport to China (1960), film
22. Hell Is a City (1960), film
23. The Curse of the Werewolf (1961), film...executive producer
24. Gotovina po vidjenju (1961), film...executive producer
25. Terror of the Tongs (1961), film...executive producer
26. A Weekend With Lulu (1961), film...executive producer
27. The Pirates of Blood River (1962), film...executive producer
28. The Damned (1962), film...executive producer
29. The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb (1964), film
30. One Million Years B.C. (1966), film
31. Prehistoric Women (1967), film
32. The Lost Continent (1968), film
33. Moon Zero Two (1969), film
34. Cirkus vampira (1972), film...executive producer (uncredited)
35. Drakula 1972 (1972), film...executive producer (uncredited)
36. Nastavi do jutra (1972), film
37. Shatter (1974), film
38. Dama koja nestaje (1979), film...executive producer