Louis Stevens

Rođendan: 1896
Umro: 1963
1. What Price Hollywood? (1932), film...(story) (uncredited)
2. State's Attorney (1932), film
3. Teksaški rendžeri (1936), film...(screenplay)
4. Grešnice u Raju (1938), film...(screenplay)
5. Colorado (1940), film...(screenplay)
6. Ulice Lareda (1949), film...(story)
7. Massacre River (1949), film...(original screenplay)
8. Amazon Quest (1949), film
9. Santa Fe (1951), film...(story)
10. Cimarron Kid (1952), film...(screenplay)
11. Horizonti zapada (1952), film...(story and screenplay)
12. Granična rijeka (1954), film...(screenplay)
13. Gun Duel in Durango (1957), film
14. Hawkeye and the Last of the Mohicans (1957), serija...(story)