
Outback Opal Hunters - Edelsteinjagd in Australien: Start With A Bang

Outback Opal Hunters (2023)

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FOLGE: 1 - Start With A Bang


Brand new team Digi Diggers bring brand new technology to the opal fields; Josiah and Lisa soon find themselves at breaking point.

The Bushmen bring in an explosives expert to blast through the toughest rock in Grawin; plus, a brand new team brings cutting edge technology to the opal fields.

Disc S6 E1 6/30/23


Outback Opal Hunters - Edelsteinjagd in AustralienOutback Opal Hunters - Edelsteinjagd in AustralienOutback Opal Hunters - Edelsteinjagd in Australien


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