
Melrose Place: What Comes Up, Must Come Down

Melrose Place (1996)

Regie: Richard Lang

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FOLGE: 28 - What Comes Up, Must Come Down


Alison takes a job as a waitress at Shooters. Amanda uses Billy's status to her advantage in her contract negotiations. Kimberly asks Peter to take Michael out of town for a few days so that she can have time to herself. Michael and Peter head to Palm Springs, where they are judges in a teen beauty pageant. Teri Carson, the pushy mother of one of the contestants, tries to convince Peter to vote for her daughter. Her daughter, Brandi, seduces Michael. She does not win the pageant. Amanda dumps Billy to go back to Peter. She rejects Peter after Teri shows up on his doorstep and says that she is suing him for sleeping with her underage daughter. Sydney tries to bond with Bobby by getting him drunk and getting tattoos together. Sydney's friend Laurie comes to town with her young son Tyler. Jo takes them in because Sydney has no room for them. While babysitting, Jo discovers bruises on the boy's back. Matt laments the fact that Alan has moved to New York.


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