"Asi" tells the love story of Asiye 'Asi' Kozcuoglu and Demir Dogan, who after years of absence returns to his hometown Antakya. For three generations the Kozcuoglu family owns a prominent plantation there. Keeping this farm alive is their foremost goal. The owner Ihsan Kozcuoglu and his daughter Asi work and live for their land. Years ago Demir's aunt, Sühelya, and his mother were workers on the Kozcuoglu farm until his mother drowned herself in the nearby river Asi. Demir returns to his hometown as a rich businessman. Still embittered about the circumstances that drove his mother to her death, he meets Asi and is immediately drawn to her. However, the lives of the Kozcuoglu family and Demir's family bear more connections from the past that constantly seem to get in between. These secrets gradually start to shatter when Süheyla also returns to Antakya.


AsiAsiAsi 01Asi 02Asi 03Asi 04AsiAsi 05Asi 07Asi 09Asi 10


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