In the final episode of the series, Gino visits the pretty Sicilian town of Taormina to make the sweet treat cannoli, before climbing the craters of nearby Mount Etna. He then makes a personal pilgrimage to the town of Savoca, the setting of Corleone in the Godfather films, which just so happens to be his favourite film series of all time! Here, he meets the owners of the world-famous Bar Vitelli, shares a delicious granita and ends his magical journey by cooking on the terrace.


Gino's Italian EscapeGino's Italian EscapeGino's Italian EscapeGino's Italian EscapeGino's Italian EscapeGino's Italian EscapeGino's Italian EscapeGino's Italian EscapeGino's Italian EscapeGino's Italian EscapeGino's Italian EscapeGino's Italian EscapeGino's Italian EscapeGino's Italian EscapeGino's Italian Escape


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