Bewertung: 8.1/10
Benutzer-Bewertung: 9.4/10
(60 votes)


Prle and Tihi, being the only surviving members of their resistance group, had been forced to leave Nazi-occupied Belgrade and join Partisans in country. In Summer of 1944 somebody is assassinating resistance sympathizers, and Prle and Tihi must return to Belgrade deal with it. In order to cross through enemy lines, they use cars, clothes and documents of captured pro-Nazi minister. During their journey the minister escapes and warns the Gestapo.


Überprüfung durch Hristo Danchev
Freitag, 21. Oktober 2022 13:27
Spoiler voraus Zeig es mir
Филма е интересен. Гледал съм го , но искам пак да го гледам.Мерси.
Gerne bewerten
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