Bewertung: 6.9/10
Benutzer-Bewertung: 9.2/10
(99 votes)


The Battle of Sutjeska known as ''Fifth offensive'' is the hardest, most tragic and the greatest battle that was led Yugoslav Partisans in World War II. Chaos, hell, fates, suffering, heroic deaths and all the tragedy of Sutjeska is a one poetic way and at the same time on one tragically way described in this phenomenal movie. This movie, was made for the 30th anniversary of the battle is also the most expensive movie in the history of Yugoslav cinema.


Die fünfte Offensive - Kesselschlacht an der SutjeskaDie fünfte Offensive - Kesselschlacht an der SutjeskaDie fünfte Offensive - Kesselschlacht an der Sutjeska


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