
Petria's Wreath

Petria's Wreath (1980)

Drama, Romanze, Kriegsfilm | Jugoslawien
PINK Film | 05.08.24 | 02:00

Bewertung: 8.1/10
Benutzer-Bewertung: 8.5/10
(39 votes)


This film takes place in a small mining town in Serbia, within a time span covering the prewar, war, and postwar period. "Petria's wreath" is a story about the tragic life of an illiterate woman from village, about her life with three men she loved. Her life, torn between dreams and reality, is a life of suffering, loneliness, disappointment, hope and love.


Petria's WreathPetria's WreathPetria's Wreath


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