Jordi Dauder
Doğum günü: 1938
Öldü: 2011
1. Warsaw Bridge (1990), film...Escriptor
2. İki Dil Bilen Aşık (1993), film...Feisal
3. Türk tutkusu (1994), film...Ginecólogo
4. Ülke ve özgürlük (1995), film...Salas
5. What's It All About (1995), film...Marit
6. No se puede tener todo (1997), film...Barman
7. The Cherry Tree (1998), film...Dr. Martí
8. The Nameless (1999), film...Forense
9. Beloved/Friend (1999), film...Metge
10. Beloved/Friend (1999), film...Metge
11. The Impatient Alchemist (2002), film...Ochaita
12. The Weakness of the Bolshevik (2003), film...Alfredo
13. María querida (2004), film...Locutor
14. Youth (2004), film...Sr. Puigmartí
15. Idiot Love (2004), film...Benet
16. Pasos (2005), film...Pedro
17. Farklı Hayatlar (2006), film...Padre de Samuel
18. Hayalet (2006), film...Tomás
19. Camino (2008), film...Don Luis
20. Possibility of an Island (2008), film...Gérard
21. Guante blanco (2008), dizisi...Nicolás
22. Por la gracia de Luis (2009), film...Self
23. 23-F: El día más difícil del Rey (2009), dizisi...José Gabeiras
24. Of Love and Other Demons (2009), film...Obispo
25. Azaña (2009), film
26. The Outlaw (2010), film...Porres
27. Dark Buenos Aires (2010), film...Ricard
28. Seytanin Yüzü (2011), film...Frère Miguel
29. Catalunya über alles! (2011), film...Polític
31. Tornarem (2012), dizisi...García gran