
My Apocalypse

My Apocalypse (2008)

komedi, dram, bilimkurgu, gerilim | Hindistan, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
Yönetmen: Chris LaMont

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Değerlendirme: 3.9/10


Stewart Savage lives in an idyllic, soft-focus universe, where his girlfriend adores him and his family is as wholesome as the Osmond's. He also lives in a world where he strangles his girlfriends, hates his meaningless job and prefers the psychotic solace of the world inside his head. The polar ice caps have melted and flooded the world while Stewart's dating life has reached an epic drought. Unaware of the rift between preferred and actual reality, Stewart brings his latest girlfriend home to meet the parents for a family birthday celebration, not fully realizing that she is his latest victim. Accustomed to their son's antics, the helpless Savage's play along with Stewart's quickly devolving sense of reality while attempting to bag the fresh body before their cohabiting neighbors arrive. With shifting realities at odds with one another, Stewart's descent into madness holds his family, and the family that shares their housing unit, hostage. More horrific than being held at gunpoint ...


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