Numărul de episoade: 24

  • Episodul 1.
    Looking Forward to Working With You
  • Episodul 2.
    Leave Me Alone
  • Episodul 3.
    Don't You Know What Month It Is?!
  • Episodul 4.
    Convince Him
  • Episodul 5.
    What's Up, Scary Stranger?
  • Episodul 6.
    It's Not a Dream
  • Episodul 7.
    Isn't It Just a Practice Match?
  • Episodul 8.
    Yeah, That's Their Ace
  • Episodul 9.
    Let's Play!
  • Episodul 10.
    Don't Underestimate It!
  • Episodul 11.
    Let's Pretend We Didn't See
  • Episodul 12.
    He's Calling You
  • Episodul 13.
    This Season
  • Episodul 14.
    Part 2
  • Episodul 15.
  • Episodul 16.
    Play Hard!
  • Episodul 17.
    It Really Is Special, Isn't It?
  • Episodul 18.
    Who Is That?
  • Episodul 19.
    That's a Good Expression
  • Episodul 20.
    That's Our Best Game
  • Episodul 21.
    Just One More
  • Episodul 22.
    As Ever
  • Episodul 23.
    No Way!
  • Episodul 24.
    Counting On You

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