Evaluare: 7.3/10
Evaluarea utilizatorului: 6.8/10
(27 votes)


Ray Sheridan is a Texas Ranger working in the insurance fraud division. From a devout Catholic family, seventeen year old Jorge lives in a Mexico City slum neighborhood with his mother and his thirteen year old sister Adriana. To have a better life not only for himself but also his family, Jorge, with two of his friends, has resorted to a "violent" scam to steal money from tourists in the Zocolo, something he hasn't told his mother who would disapprove. Ray and Jorge's very different existences intersect on a chance meeting straddling the border at El Paso/Juarez in dealing with the same issue from two slightly different directions, that issue being sex trafficking. Ray has been using his professional position on a personal mission of locating his illegitimate daughter Carly, who he has never met and who he has just learned was sold by her junkie mother ten years ago, he assuming into the illegal sex trade. With Adriana having gone missing, Jorge eventually learned that the assumption...




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